The School is an enigmatic society led by Dr. Cod “Fishhead” Fish, which began as an outlet and movement for the least-advantaged in Night City. The operation, which grew from a partnership between Fishhead and Dr. Eliza Sheela, began as a drug manufacturing and distribution operation that expanded to include a host of illicit activities and research projects.

After years of operating, the group was able to move their activities to an off-coast island base and, subsequent to that, financing a secret underwater base known as The Reef.

Meet the Team


  • Kittridge always appeared to be a true believer. Remy’s second in command and most ruthless aid. Betrayed his comrades in a failed ambush at the Village where he lost his final showdown with long-time rival and fishmonger, Dusty Montgomery.


  • An absolute oaf. Stupidly passionate about gardening and knows a lot about it, but every fucking plant he touches just dies. Works in the gardens tending after hydroponic plants. Destined for middle management. Beaten to death.


  • Leader

    Dr. Cod "Fishhead" Head is a survivor of the “Red Queens” - a group of cyberpsychos rendered insane by an experiment conducted by BioGeode under the supervision of Militech.

    After escaping from Militech’s lockdown facility in the late 2030s, Fishhead was “saved” by Eliza Sheela, who enabled him to start the School, helped him to recruit vulnerable patrons, and subsequently facilitated his connection to Teresa Stanton.

    Unbeknownst to Fishhead, who had intended to use an extraterrestrial rock known as “the Gift” to bring about a group of atomic supermen via poisoning Night City’s water supply, his work on the Reef and the perpetuated survival of the Reef itself was a means to an end for Militech, who hoped to piggyback off his work, use the School’s connections to disrupt rival corporations, and ultimately upend the NiPAS, a significant constituency of the Reef’s population. Once Militech made their move, using Eliza Sheela and several double-agents aboard the ship, Fishhead absconded with the Gift (saving Little Caesar in the process).


  • Audrey Wheeler is paid to be skeptical and, in her time on the Reef, did so while reporting directly to Remy the RedFin about her observances. Audrey is not the person you want sniffing around your personal business; nevertheless, she typically is viewed as a fair arbiter of justice at the commune. Something like a modern-day sheriff.

    She suspected that Eliza was not loyal to the School, and that she was conspiring with Mandrake to perform a coup against Fishhead and Remy. She viewed any new arrival at the Reef with skepticism, believed in very few coincidences, and was incredibly quick to call out those she identifies as problematic... like the party.

    Audrey was correct in suspecting that Mandrake had ulterior motives in his leadership position on the Reef, though she couldn’t guess his true purpose – in point of fact, there wasn’t much that Audrey ever was wrong about during her time working with Fishhead… last seen on the Reef.


  • One of the principal vessels for teaching the lessons of Dr. Fishhead’s School. Wojciech typically could be found presiding over spiritual lessons in the Great Hall, studying in the library, or off meditating… which was usually a cover for banging White Fish and getting blackout drunk. Has not been seen since the Militech raid on the Reef.


  • Redfin Commander

    Remy “the Redfin” Hill is the head of Dr. Fishhead’s RedFins and his ultimate protector. He will stop at nothing to kill anybody who threatens the Reef, and though his favor lies more with the logistics of the School (what it promises) than its philosophies (which he thinks is mumbo-jumbo), he is a true believe to the movement and a supporter of the man he believes to be a misunderstood genius.

    After the betrayal on the Reef by Dr. Eliza Sheela and Remy’s own second in command, Kittridge, Remy has been bouncing from place to place with Anand Coral and trying to put the pieces of his shattered life back together.

    He has been in touch with [UNKNOWN TO PARTY] and attempting to rebuild the drug manufacturing infrastructure the School lost at the Reef with Said Roth.


  • The party never really got to know the former head of Life Support operations...


  • Tactical Instructor

    [UNKNOWN BY PARTY] Shortly thereafter she began seeking out the School, eventually traveling to their Island, then to the Reef, where she served to train up newer members or former civilians in light field tactics, protective tradecraft, and combat techniques.

    Widowmaker escaped the siege of the Reef fighting alongside the party, Mandrake, Remy, Anand, and Dax Kaerme. Now back on the mainland, the party has reason to suspect that she's "returned to the private sector."


  • Good kitty!


  • Many more bodies left out at sea...

  • Anand is a long-time convert of the School and has worked her way up from White Fish to Redfin. Her parents were killed in a firefight in 2038, and after that she bounced around youth centers until turning 18. Her husband and child were killed in an apartment bombing in 2044.

    She has a deep affinity for Dr. Fishhead, though she suspects that he may be insane. Realistically, despite those suspicions, she may be the most dedicated to Fishhead’s cause; she doesn’t like humanity and what it has built. In a perfect world, she would have lived under the sea for the rest of her life with her new family in the School.

    As a result of the violation of the Reef at the hands of Militech, Bean Wilkinson, and a handful of double agents aboard the station, Anand escaped aboard an emergency submersible house in Fishhead’s secret laboratory along with the party, Dax Kaerme, Mandrake, Remy the Redfin, and Widowmaker.

    Since returning to the surface, Anand is once again looking for a place to call home in collaboration with Remy the Redfin, as they attempt to leverage contacts from surviving School enclaves dispersed through Night City. The two were most recently found attempting to recreate Said Roth’s drug formula and selling substandard drugs to Carlson of South Night City.


  • Wolfmother is a mysterious member of the School who has been with Fishhead for several years. Soft spoken, with a big presence, the man is enigmatic, dangerous, and surprisingly philosophical.

    Friendly to newbies. Has a cat named Boris Katloff. Wolfmother was last seen captured during the siege of the Reef. Katloff was last seen with Little Caesar, who lost possession of the kitty :(. 


  • With the School desperate for entertainment, Jamaica (like the flower) found a somewhat captive audience to enjoy her performances, which blend neo-classical instrumentation with vocalization that evokes abstract tenets of the Fishhead teachings.

    Off stage, she served as the mistress in charge of Clubnautica’s free-love enterprises (brothel). Last seen on the Reef. Rumored to be back on the surface picking up where she left off.


  • Said Roth is one of the most naturally-gifted chemists of his time, though not much of his life is known to the party.

    Roth found a chance at a new beginning when he was recruited to the School to become their chief chemist.

    Last seen being captured by Militech.